• Posted by : Unknown Wednesday, 19 September 2012

    Metal Slug(メタルスラッグ/Metaru Suraggu), also calledMetal Slug 3D to distinguish it from the original Metal Slug, is a run and gun video game for the Sony PlayStation 2. It was developed and published by SNK Playmore and was released in Japan on June 29, 2006. It is the first game of the series to be presented in 3D

    Minimum System Requirements

    Processor Speed: 1.2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 Processor or equivalent
    Harddisk Space: 1GB (ISO Size: 2.41GB) VGA: Direct X 9.0c
    RAM: 128MB
    DirectX: Direct X 9.0c
    Sound: Direct X 9.0c Compatible Sound Card
    Recommended peripheral: Keyboard or Joystick


    DownloadDownload Metal Slug 3D (493 MB)


    Press CTRL + C to copy

    Source : theisozone

    { 4 komentar... read them below or Comment }

    1. cara ekstraknya gmna ?

      1. Sebenarnya bukan diekstrak tapi dijoin menggunakan HJ Split untuk download HJ split silahkan klik disini

        kalau Utk melakukan JOIN (menggabungkan file hasil dari pecahan HJ Split ^^ )
        1. Double klik program HJSplit.exe (ga usah install)
        2. Klik Join
        3. Klik input file dan browse file yang hendak digabung (cukup file yg berekstensi .001 dan sisanya akan langsung diekstrak otomatis ^^ tapi yakinkan semua file .001 sampai .00X berada pada folder yang sama)
        4. Klik output file bila ingin meletakkan hasil gabungannya di folder lain (tidak wajib di klik)
        5. Tekan start
        6. setelah join complete close deh gampang kan? ^^

        Kalau masih kurang mengerti silahkan tanyakan lagi.. :)

    2. file ny kok not found yg part 2
      mohon penjelasan nya mas


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